Here Are 6 Surprising Uses For Gym Mats!

 For the past three decades, we have been providing services of Gym Mats in London and throughout the UK. Over the course of that time, we have built solid relationships with a wide variety of health spas, fitness centers, and wellness centers in the UK. We have gained a lot of knowledge from our clients in the wellness industry, most notably that business owners in the wellness industry are concerned about two primary issues:


Gyms and fitness centers are naturally dangerous. People use the facility to run, jump, and move heavy objects. When clients use the office and its hardware for the intended purposes, they run the risk of injuring themselves or others. A safe environment is essential for profitability and goodwill, despite the fact that gym owners are required to sign waivers releasing them from liability for injuries.


Gyms and wellness centers are more likely to spread germs and bacteria, so owners must take extra precautions to ensure that exercise equipment, lockers, showers, and changing rooms remain dry and clean throughout the day.

When wellness center owners talk about gym mats, most of the time they immediately think of the thick mats and tiles that protect the floors while core and free weight exercises are performed. Carpets and tiles, on the other hand, can improve a gym’s profitability, cleanliness, and safety in addition to these more conventional uses for gym mats.

Safe Exercise Mats: Six Unusual But Important Locations

1. At the water fountain

Mats should not be placed at the fountains, which is probably the last thing a gym owner would do. However, these areas are susceptible to water spills and receive a lot of foot traffic. Mats are particularly urgent when there is hardwood, tile, or one more smooth surface underneath the drinking fountain.

2. Behind the registration desk

An excellent recreation center’s greeters are its most distinctive feature. The staff of an outstanding recreation center is bright, upbeat, and supportive.  Gym Floor Mats must be good. Serving customers will make a worker happier, more productive, and more energetic if they have the right working conditions.

Gym Mats

3. Seats beneath storage areas

In addition to the necessity of storage area mats in showers, changing areas are also locations where microorganisms could wait, particularly under storage areas and seats. Flexible mats with leakage openings will keep on strolling surfaces dry and divert water from allies. Customers will be able to maintain their cleanliness after using the shower if their feet are kept dry.

4. In administrative offices

Additionally, a wheeled chair and a desk are likely to be present in administrative offices. Most of the time, people don’t realize how much damage these seats cause to covering until it’s beyond repair. Mats made of thick, long-lasting plastic are required to cover the “rolling area” behind and beneath the desk.

5. Entryays for basketball courts and other facilities of a similar nature

Rubber Gym Mats that will catch dirt, grime, and other debris before customers enter a hardwood court is an important feature that many gyms offer to increase membership options. Hardwood is difficult to repair and costly.

6. A juice bar or eating area

Accidents are likely to occur when there are spills in juice bars and eating areas. These spills can be prevented by mats and floor runners, keeping patrons’ walkways dry and safe for those likely to be exhausted from a workout. There is a lot of foot traffic along the main walkways that run alongside the refrigerators, counters, and other areas.

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